「There is a valuable person who sees me.」

「My heart is filled by thinking about a valuable person.」


「There is this , therefore there is this.」

「I admitted that current myself ,then I can advance to next stage.

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「I can change the my world with only my feelings.」

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  「考える時間 」 
「Thinking time」

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「 We don't know until we try to talk about ourselves.」
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「 Even if you cannot see it now ,surely you can see it in the future.」

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「 The one step is wonderful. 」

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「The power of declare」

about 101cm×130cm

「I want to be strong and beautiful.」

about 170cm×101cm

「It takes time for all things but, it's sure changing little by little.」

about 101cm×200cm

「I will tell that thanks to you I'm happy.」

not for sale

「Believe in myself」

about 170cm×85cm

「認めるということ 1 ( 頼っていること)」
「I admit.1 ( I depend on family.)」

「認めるということ 2 (どうしても凹むこと)」
「I admit.2 (I'm simply depressed.)」

「認めるということ 3 (すばらしいこと)」
「I admit.3 (I'm wonderful.)」

「I'm impressed to think of someone.」

「意識改革 (少し自分を信じるようになった。)」
「Consideration reform ( I getting believe myself a little.)」
 about 180cm×101cm    (The condition is not good.)

「Thanks to my family ,I can try my hardest.」
about 101cm×160cm

「I walk little by little while seeing my weakness,」

「Human can get use to everything.(It's mean both of good and bad.)」

「  The flower from a such chink. 」

「 In any case ,the means of able to communicate is wonderful.」

「 Music is necessary 」

「 The relationship between mentality and urination 」

「 You are not lonely. 」

「 I can't fight on an empty stomach.」

「 Understand you are happy now.」

「 Real reason and added reason 」

「 I think about various things everyday. 」


「 I'm not ashamed 」

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「 Clumsy 」


「 Aggression and timidity are being mixed together.」

「人はそう簡単に変われない。 (だから少しづつ)」
「 Human cannot change easily.  (So, Little by little.)」